Monday, October 22, 2007

Husked Lotus + Ginkgo Biloba + White Fungus Tong Shui (莲子+白果+白木耳糖水)

White fungus are very effective in nourishing lungs and healing dry cough(润肺止咳). Eating white fungus with rock sugar and red dates helps prevent cold. It can also keep us healthy and keep our skin soft and young (健身嫩肤). The ingredients below are enough for 5-6 people. Let's see what we need..

Husked Lotus (莲子)

Ginkgo Biloba (白果, 又称银杏)

white fungus (白木耳, 又称银耳)

Red Dates (红枣)

soak the white fungus in water till it's soft.

wash the husked lotus, ginkgo biloba & red dates.
fill the slow cooker with water, pour everything in
and start boiling..

when the white fungus is soft and expanded,
we can removed it from the water.

the yellow part need to be removed.

when the husked lotus is soft, it's time
to add in the white fungus.

add in the white fungus.
you will only need to boil another 10 minutes if
you're using gas. As for slow cooker,
boil for another 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Add in rock sugar.

ready to be served!

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